Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Traffic in China

After living (and driving a scooter) around Taiwan for a year and living here as well, I have much experience with crazy Chinese driving. I think it must be experienced to believed. But this description and diagram does it better than I've seen before.


Unknown said...

Alex, this link is hilarious. i was too overcome with culture shock last spring to sort these kinds of traffic games out when we were in Beijing. But, it reminds me of Hessler's descriptions of the drinking games. Oh, there's so much to learn about the Chinese.


Mark said...

Get rid of the traffic lights and it's just like India. Excellent find, Alex.

erin said...


i showed this to you.

Alex Riepl said...

Oh of course you did Erin. Thank you.

ray said...

Funny stuff. I will never complain again about being behind a sloooow driver in their eighties, knowing it could be a lot worse.