Sunday, January 6, 2008

上海圣诞节 Christmas in Shanghai

I went to Shanghai to visit my friend Scott (宝盖头) who I went College with for Christmas. HE is currently living and working in Shanghai as a web developer, I only sort of know what that means. It means he makes web based applications, but really it means he does lots of hard things with computers that I can only begin to understand. Well I dont have too many picutres of me or Scott though there are alot of the French Quarter or Old French Concession, where Scott lives, lucky guy. It is a nice part of Shanghai right downtown but is full of many old Art-Deco buildings from the 1930s and lots of trees lining the streets. It was warmer than Kaifeng, though it was also much wetter. Kaifeng is pretty dry during the winter, but Shanghai being coastal and much further south isnt. It misted the whole time I was there, but really that wasnt so bad.


use this link to see the pictures.

1 comment:

Br said...

These pictures of Shanghai and the other pictures of Kaifeng are so great to get a better idea of what it is like where you visit or live. Thanks and keep it up.