Monday, January 7, 2008

Chinese Lessons

Today in class we learned the word 草包 (Cao3Bao1) or wicker basket. Cao (草) means grass and bao (包) means a bag or bag-like container. (Baozi is a sort of dumpling for instance) Our teacher also told us that the word had a double meaning and also mean a person who was dumb or who was empty headed; basically a person with a wicker-basket for a head.

Then he mentioned that Li Peng for instance was a caobao and that people referred to him as such. Li Peng for those of you who don't know was basically the trigger-man for the Tiananmen Square massacre. As the Premier at the time he backed Deng Xiaoping's decision to send in the troops to clear the square.

Most interesting to me was that despite the authoritarian tendencies of the Communist Party here in China. People here do think what they want. If it seems that a previous Premier of the nation was a caobao then he was a caobao.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm loving these regular blog entries, and the pictures of YOU. Keep up the good work.