Zombie Samurai, I think.

Traditional Chinese ghosts, they are the two demons who take you to the underworld. Really cool costumes (All the students had to make their own costumes).

There was a mummy wrapping contest. Toilet paper is ubiquitous here, rolls of it are found on every restaurant table for napkins.

Everybody wanted to get pictures of us, I posed for so many pictures. Actually this is fairly common especially in somewhere like Kaifeng. Random people on the street will snap pictures of us, or wave us into photos of their family, or slighly aim their camera phones at you from across the restaurant.

This picture has nothing to do with Halloween (aside from my ridiculous touring outfit). I just wanted to show off the best thing $30 can buy. Its called a San-Lun-Che or three wheeled vehicle, sort of a tricycle/ rickshaw. the back can either be a seat for one, or fold down into a truck bed or carrying stuff.
I love the Halloween pix. The photo of you on the san lun che is so you, Alex. I want a ride when we visit.
Those halloween pictures are cool, especially the Watermelon-o-lanterns. Give us more pictures!
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